Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Packing your life in 50 pounds.

So this is my first excursion overseas, out of country and anywhere further than Florida. As a Missions major that is a little sad but there is no time like the present and so off to Airdrie I go. Airdrie is a town in Scotland that lies between Edinburgh and Glasgow. In comparison to the cities, Airdrie is rather small but with respects to my home town of Emporium, Pennsylvania, it's a city. Regardless of it's size, one would ask what would draw me to this obscure town in a country far away? The study abroad program offered through Geneva College in partnership with the Covenanter Theological Institute of Airdrie provides students to complete 9 Bible credits and 6 Ministry credits. The classes I will be taking are Scottish Reformation and Covenanting History, Systematic Theology, Life & Work of Paul, and Reformed Evangelism. In addition to classes, I will also be interning with the local Reformed Presbyterian Church. I am not sure yet what this internship will look like but it will definitely offer me the chance to experience first hand the cross cultural aspect of this major. Living in a different country, not staying in a dorm or on a campus, and integrating myself into the community through the Internship that I will have with the host church will more than give me a taste of what my future career will entail.

A week from tomorrow I will have my first trip on an airplane. Oddly enough I was not worried about this aspect of the trip when I was accepted into the program. As it draws closer to take off, I have packed and repacked my suitcase a few times (and plan to do so again). The airline dictates that one's suitcase can only be 50 pounds. If you need more than 50 pounds of paraphernalia than you have two options: pack two suitcases or pay the over weight fee. Neither of these options much appealed to me, hence the need for repacking. Some advice for some who might be in my position of trying to pack their entire lives in 50 pounds:

1) Instead of packing shower gel, pack bar soap. Soap lasts longer, is smaller and far cheaper to replace.

2) Skimp on the number of jeans you take. Jeans can be worn more than once before needing washed. Also, nobody notices if you wear the same jeans more than once a week.

3) Space bags. This is one infomercial that delivers and now they're in stores too. Space bags make it easy to pack more without taking up all the space in your suitcase.

4) Pack heavier items in your carry on bag. If you're a book hoarder like me and can't go anywhere without at least two books, make sure to put them in the carry on. This way you can utilize the books during layovers and while on the plane without weighing down the suitcase with your personal library.

5) Bring versatile shoes. There is really no need to take more than 4 pairs of shoes. Make sure to bring shoes for all occasions but bring shoes that are suitable for various occasions. PS flip flops are not included in these 4 pairs, they are needed, bring them.

So back to what I was saying before, once I get settled in Scotland and classes start, I hope to be posting twice a week. In addition to classes, we will be traveling to the various locations that will be discussed in the church history class. With any luck I can post every Wednesday after each of these trips. I will most definitely be posting on Sundays though. If you would like to follow my semester abroad and any trips that might come in the future stay tuned.

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