Saturday, November 12, 2011

Adventures with Mama Chris Part II: Kicked out of the friendliest city

On day two of our Scotland experience, we did not wake up until 11. Since we were just going to Glasgow, which is about twenty-five minutes away on the train, we did not feel the need to rush. I purposefully planed the week this way so that we did not get too burnt out trying to get where we needed to go. In Glasgow, I took mom to St Giles Cathedral. We explored the cavernous building that afternoon. Even though I had been there before, there was so much I discovered that I had missed on my first visit. After making our way through the tunnels and sanctuaries of the cathedral we departed filled with a sense of awe.

Right beside the cathedral is St Mungo's Museum of Religion. I thought why not stop in there on our way back into the city. Inside this museum, artifacts have been collected from numerous religions all over the globe. We saw Muslim prayer beads and prayer mats, statues of Shiva, and Latin Catholic prayer books. Each religion was set up in the midst of all the others so they might be compared and contrasted easily. There was a small section of the display that pertained to the spreading of religion. The latter half of it described the mission efforts of the Christian church and how they have destroyed other cultures. Being a missions major, I was able to appreciate the cultural aspect of the religious paraphernalia. At the same time however, my heart broke for all those who are lost in this world. This religious display proved two things: first, man is and always has been in search of God; second, the world has reduced Christianity (at best) to one such way to find God.

Back in the city, we made our way through the various streets and shops. For dinner we stopped into Pizza Hut. Now, before my fellow Americans shake their heads at the fact that we visited this restaurant chain, they should take into consideration how differently such restaurants work over here as opposed to home. For example, I had never had pizza from Pizza hut with portobello mushrooms, chicken, blue cheese and balsamic vinegar in Pennsylvania. After dinner, we decided to do some more shopping and would have for a while if the city had not kicked us out. For some reason, nearly all the shops in Glasgow shut down at 6 in the evening. This left us with nothing to do but board the train home. It had been a good day though and going home a bit earlier was beneficial since we had to set alarms for the next morning. No sleeping until noon anymore.

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