Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Some Places We Missed: Glencoe

This trip was not one of our Wednesday adventures. Rather, one Saturday Beth decided to take the four of us along with Debbie and Fraser (two members of the CY) to one of her favorite spots in Scotland. We traveled up North through the Highlands, stopping at a few different spots to survey the natural wonders around us. Our first stop was at a familiar site, Loch Lomond. We had a short stop here to see how high the waters had risen and how much snow was on top of the peaks. Then we piled back into the cars to journey into new territory (for me at least). I will not even try to describe all that we saw that day, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

For the geeks like me, you'll be interested to know that they filmed part of the third Harry Potter movie (Prisoner of Azkaban) in Glencoe.

We stopped for lunch at the nature observatory in the midst of the mountains and woods. There, I had the best hot chocolate in the world. After lunch we wandered the paths for a bit longer than we were allowed to I guess since when we got back the doors were locked and we had to James Bond our way back to the cars on the other side of the building.

All in all, it was another day of being awestruck at the creation of a Lord who cares to know my name.

By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness,
O God of our salvation,
the hope of all the ends of the earth
and of the farthest seas;
the one who by his strength established the mountains,
being girded with might;
who stills the roaring of the seas,
the roaring of their waves,
the tumult of the peoples,
so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs.
You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.
-Psalm 65:5-8

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