Thursday, December 8, 2016

New Destinations

Well hello there!

It has indeed been a year since I've bother to post anything. What happened in 2016 you wonder? Well this particular year will go down as one of learning and growth...which means it was at times not very pleasant. Great teachers came into my life such as Professor Mimi Hadaad, St Teresa of Avalia, Samantha Ellis and Brene Brown. There's been changes in geographic locations as well as change in perspectives. This year started for me with a song: Hidden by United Pursuit. The chorus reads Now I am hidden in the safety of your love I trust your heart and your intentions I trust you completely I'm listening intently You'll guide me through these many shadows. This song has many elements of a Psalm in that it covers the dark nights of the soul, the singer's decision to trust God and ends with worshiping the Lord. I feel like this song can become an anthem of all of life: the good times, the hard times, the 'throw my bible up against the wall' times as well as the 'so moved I'm crying in church' times. If your 2016 was anything like my 2016 I can guarantee you hit each of these points throughout the year. But this year is nearly at its end. The sun is setting on all the endeavors and misadventures that marked up the days of this calendar.

In light of this I do hereby dub 2017 to be the Year of New Adventures! May you find new paths to wander, new obstacles to overcome, new wonders to be moved by and new people to love!

I'll give you no false promise about keeping up with this or the other blog I sometimes deign to scribble on. I will however promise to fill you in on my adventures throughout the year. 2017 will literally begin with just such an instance. At the start of January a team from my church, First Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs, is destined for Egypt. While we're there we will have the chance to worship and celebrate with our counterparts at both Heliopolis Evangelical Church as well as a newly established church in Aswan. At each of our partner churches we will have the opportunity to join in worship and celebrations, meet learders and members of their churches and participate in activities planned by our hosts. We will also have the chance to be a part of some of their ministries such as Habitat for Egypt. I am absolutely impatient to head back to my part of the world. If you'd like to support my trip First Pres Church has set up a fundraising page at the link here: More importantly I would ask that you keep all of us in your prayers. Our goal is to spend our time deepening the relationships that are already established through an ongoing partnership between our churches. I cannot wait to find myself in the desert again and to join in the story God is already writing there.

2017 HERE WE GO!

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
for my hope is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my might rock, my refuge is God.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah
~Psalm 62:5-8

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