A year is a long time. I do not know if I could ever put everything I learned and experienced into words nor could I express how blessed I was with the team I worked with and the friends I made. But a picture is worth a thousand words so here are a few thousand words to show you just what my life in Jordan looked like.
Well, I...
Lived in an oasis
Worked in places like this
With some awesome people like this
Taught English while learning just as much from my students as they did from me
Experienced history
Wandered in the desert
Traveled via airplane
a lot
Visited a world wonder
Revisited my favorite place and some of my favorite people
And almost got stuck on the wrong side of the border
Sometimes I blended in
Mostly though I stood out, but my friends didn't mind
To finish I'd like to thank everyone who walked through this journey with me, if only for a short time: Thanks to my WA team mates Rob, Jess, Luke, Gene, Jessie, Lance, Lisa, Jo, Julie and Debie. Special thanks to Jocelyn and Sarah for their advice and for listening to me whine when things were hard as well as for celebrating my victories with me. Shout out to my fellow interns Carly, Katie, Mindy and Jessica. Thanks to my roommates Laura, Becky, Hailey, Becka, and Kelsey for doing life with me. To Kara, my year long buddy, thanks for challenging me and seeing the ways I've grown that I miss a lot of times. To Rana, Ziad, Yara and Atef, my Arab family that I sorely miss.
Thank you to my family for supporting me in my crazy idea to go on an adventure with a purpose after finishing college. Thanks to my friends, church family and everyone who has supported me financially and in your prayers. Special thanks to everyone who sent me letters or cards while I was gone too.

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