Saturday, October 1, 2011

The apex of the Covenanter movement came in 1679. In May of that year, a group of five Covenanters captured Archbishop Sharp on his way from St Andrews to London. When they searched him they found death warrants for other Covenanters on his person. They believed that God had given him into their hands so they drug him from his carriage and executed him in front of his 18 year old daughter. The Covenanters as a whole did not condone this. Their official stance was to promote self-defense but not murder. As a result, the Covenanters began to show up to field meetings unarmed. In June a field meeting of 300 people in Drumclog was discovered by a band of dragoons. Their minister was preaching that day on suffering for Christ's sake and as the dragoons drew near he turned to the congregation and said that they had the theory and now it was time to put it into practice. The dreaded Captain James Claims of Claverhouse led 150 soldiers into the peaceful hillside and demanded the minister be handed over. The men lined up and respond by singing Psalm 76. As some of the soldiers advanced, their horses got stuck in the bog and the Covenanters seized the chance to overtake the soldiers.
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