Saturday, October 1, 2011

A History Lesson

I know I have not posted in some time but that is because we have been all over Scotland this week. I'll preface this by saying if you don't want to read this huge post you can just look at the pictures.
To finish out our Covenanter history class we spent four days visiting sites significant to the Covenanters and what they stood for. However, first I should explain what a Covenanter is. The Scottish Covenanters were those brave few who pledged to uphold Presbyterianism in Scotland, resisting Erastianism, and adherent of the National Covenant and the Solemn League and Covenant. In each of these documents, Christ’s kingship and headship over the church is promoted. This was in stark contrast to what the kings of England wanted at the time: total rule over the church and state.

It all started with Patrick Hamilton. This young man had been educated on the Continent in Lutheranism. Upon returning to Scotland, he began to his family about the Reformed traditions he had come in contact with. For this, he was arrested, called into account at St Andrews, condemned for heresy and burned at the steak. Today there is a PH on the ground outside the Church of the Holy Trinity where the steak was. This caused an outrage among the people since this man was condemned for merely teaching his family about the bible.
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