Saturday, October 1, 2011

Covenanter fame spread as a result and an uprising was planned. About 3000 Covenanters banded together but they had no leadership. While taking their time to devise a game plan, they set up camp for a fortnight. In the meantime, the king sent 15000 professional troops to deal with these opportunistic Scotts. The two forces met in the Battle of Bothwell Bridge. The Covenanters needed to hold the bridge in order to have a fighting chance. Eventually the men on the bridge ran out of ammunition. Once the troops came over the bridge, the Covenanters’ ranks broke and they fled. About 400 were killed and 1200 were captured and imprisoned in Greyfriairs Kirk in Edinburgh. After months of being neglected in the open prison, the Covenanters who were left alive were deported. Now the king’s soldiers filled Southern Scotland and violence increased.
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