Saturday, October 1, 2011

The last site that we visited was the Martyrs’ Steak in Wigtown. It was here in 1685 that that two Margarets were drowned in the rising tide of the Bladnoch River. Margaret McLachlan was a 63 year old woman who had been convicted of attending conventicles. She was arrested while praying in her house. Margaret Wilson was an 18 year old woman who, along with her sister Agnes and brother Thomas had been kicked out of their house by their parents for attending conventicles. They wandered through the hills for some time before being attested. Gilbert Wilson, their father, was given the opportunity to buy his younger daughter’s freedom for 100 pounds, which he did. His older daughter however was sentenced to death. Both Margarets were tied to steaks in the river during the low tide. The older Margaret was tied much further out while the younger was forced to watch her drowned. They told Margaret Wilson that if she would pray for the king and relent, she would not suffer the same fate. Instead, she sang from Psalm 25 “To Thee I lift my soul, O Lord; I trust in Thee, my God; let me not be ashamed, nor foes triumph over me.” She also drowned when the tide came in. in the same town that year three men, William Johnstone, John Milroy and George Walker, were hanged. All five of the martyrs are commemorated by headstones in the Kirk nearby.

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